


Bead Figurines

I have beaded for about 23 years now. When I first started I looked at pattern diagrams, but over time my hands started to take chage. I only have a vague notion of what I'm going to make when I start. I cut a suitable length of wire, and …


私はビーズ細工を始めて23年になる。当初は型紙を見ていたが、いつしか手が勝手に動くようになった。何を作るのかおぼろげにイメージして、針金を切って、後は手に任せる。それもアクセサリーではなく、立体的な人形だ。 アイルランドの守護聖人、聖パトリッ…

Hand-knit Blankets

It takes at least two years to knit a blanket. I only know how to knit square scrubbers, so I knit a ton of those, and join them together. I knit blankets for both of my parents. Colorful ones. Here is a closeup of the stitch. It's pretty …


毛布を一枚編むのに2年ぐらいかかる。たわし編みしか知らないので、たわしを大量に編んで、それをつなげていく。 親に編んであげた。 多色使い。 編み地のアップ。かなり密度が高いので暖かい。 スラブやモヘアも混ぜ込んだ。 漢字も編み込んだ。ご覧の通り…

Canard Couture

This stuffed duck has been in my life for as long as I can remember, making her around 30 years old. My dad is probably the one who brought her home. She was more than likely the Sanrio Duckadoo character (what do you mean, you don't remem…



Embroidered Tea Towels

Here are some recent examples of my embroidery. I embroidered two tea towels in the traditional sashiko style for the church bazaar. The average age of the ladies in the handicrafts posse, of which I am a member, is about 70, and as I am t…

