


"Glazed" Celery and Fake Crab

Today's dish is "Glazed Celery and Fake Crab." It's easy and cheap to make, but seems sort of vaguely Chinese-ish and frankly looks festive. The fun is that the crab is fake, and that the dish is not really "glazed" in a technical sense. I…


最近家のネットがつながらず、記事を投稿できていなかったけれど、ちゃんと生きています。なんでレオネットってこんなに使いにくいんだろう。 それはさておき、今日は簡単だけどちょっぴり豪華、何となく中華っぽい一品、「セロリとカニカマのあんかけ風」で…

Sweetpotatoes Stewed in Lemon Juice with Cinnamon

Autumn is the harvest season, in which sweetpotatoes and pumpkins come to night. Sweetpotatoes in particular can be made into a rather sweet dish, so you won't need dessert (right?). 1.Wash an ordinary sweetpotato. Never mind whether Japa…


食欲の秋。秋といえばサツマイモやカボチャの季節です。サツマイモはちょっと甘いおかずにできるので、デザート代わりになりますね(そのはずだよね...) 1.普通のサツマイモを洗います。私のように小さなお弁当箱に詰め込むことが前提で作るのなら細い…

Plum Burdock

My best dish, that I take to every potluck, is my "Plum Burdock." It's similar to classic stewed burdock, but I flavor it with plum sauce. The burdock dish in my family's New Year feast is my plum burdock. (That's because I make the whole …

Cabbage and clams au vin

One of the cheapest vegetables at the supermarket is probably cabbage. Cabbage can be heavenly when it's in season, especially in the spring. Having a cabbage dish on hand is also pretty convenient, since you can serve it as a side with yo…


スーパーで安い野菜といえばキャベツ。特に春はおいしいですね。常備菜としてキャベツ料理があると単独のおかずとして使えるだけでなく、お弁当の具にしたり、スパゲッティのトッピングにしたり、と便利です。キャベツは意外と栄養も豊富だし、体にいい。 そ…

Embroidered Tea Towels

Here are some recent examples of my embroidery. I embroidered two tea towels in the traditional sashiko style for the church bazaar. The average age of the ladies in the handicrafts posse, of which I am a member, is about 70, and as I am t…



Playtime in the Park

When was the last time you went into a public park to play? Were you a kid? Or did you have your child in tow? I still go to the park to play, even though I'm a single, childless 30-year-old woman. The swings are my favorite. I only go aft…

I Don't Have an Oven

There are a lot of nice, posh recipe books out there for people who live alone, but many of them involve grilling and roasting. Most normal apartments and houses can at least accomodate a stove-top oven/ grill, but my flat is too small to …





お得に暮らすためのおばあちゃんの知恵 パート②

「お得に暮らすためのおばあちゃんの知恵 パート①」の続編・パート②です。 その⑥ 美容にお金をかけすぎない。 普通に考えて、いくら5万円するクリームであっても、若さと美しさを再びあなたのものにする魔法が入っていると考えられません。保湿やお肌の保護…



Living Better for Less--Just like Grandma (Part 2)

This is Part 2 of a two-part series. For the first five tips, see the English article before this one! 6. Don't spend too much on beauty. Really, a 50,000 yen face cream isn't going to magically make you young and beautiful. Whatever moist…

お得に暮らすためのおばあちゃんの知恵 パート①

月末に家計簿の決算をするとき、貯金額の増加を見て勝利の歓声をあげますか、それとも赤字に対して悲鳴をあげますか?え、嘘!月末の決算をしていない、と今つぶやいたの聞こえちゃったよ。 でも怖くない!この10の作戦を実施して見れば、赤字がどんどんなく…

Living Better for Less--Just like Grandma (Part 1)

When you take stock of your finances at the end of each month, do you squeal in delight at the growth of your savings, or do you scream in horror at the growth of your deficit? What's that? You don't review your finances at the end of each…

Italian-Inspired Garlic Asparagus

I love to cook. As a child I wasn't much interested in food or eating, but when I learned to cook around age 18, I suddenly discovered the joys of eating. Even so, some of the foods that the humans around me eat are inedible for me; this i…

これくらいの お弁当箱に




Welcome to My Handmade Cozy Life!

Hello and welcome to the Handmade Cozy Life blog! As the title suggests, the aim of this blog is to document the ways in which I make a lot of things myself in an attempt to live a truly rich, abundant, cozy life. The term "handmade" emcom…


初めまして、ハンドメイド・コージー・ライフのブログ主です。タイトルの通り、いろいろなものを手作りして本当に豊かで快適な生活をしよう、という趣旨です。 一口で「手作り」と言っても、いろいろな手芸が含まれるので、私がやっていることについて。一番…