


Chinese Pepper Steak with Fishcake Instead of Pork or Beef Strips

One of the most popular items on the menu at many Chinese restaurants is pepper steak. It's satisfying, colorful, and you get the nutritional benefit of the vegetables and protein from the pork or beef strips, so you don't feel much guilt …



Modified Okinawan Shaved Carrot with Canned Tuna

I can't digest eggs. If I eat them I get a rumbling pain in my abdomen that lasts for hours, and bloat something awful, to the point that people assume I'm pregnant and offer me their seats on the train. But I really liked the Okinawan sha…


私は卵がダメだ。食べるとお腹が痛くなり、妊婦さんみたいに腫れ上がってしまう。でも宮古島で食べたにんじんしりしりは美味しかった。もともと人参が大好きだということもあるが。 そこで、卵の代わりに缶ツナを使った応用にんじんしりしりの出番だ。人参の…

Quick and Easy Green Beans and Dried Shrimp a la Chinoise

Maybe you're missing a little green for your table, but there's not much time to cook. Or you've adjusted well enough to working from home to realize that you don't want to spend your free time cooking, but would rather give your children …

超時短 インゲン豆とアミエビの中華モドキ
