

Chinese Pepper Steak with Fishcake Instead of Pork or Beef Strips

One of the most popular items on the menu at many Chinese restaurants is pepper steak. It's satisfying, colorful, and you get the nutritional benefit of the vegetables and protein from the pork or beef strips, so you don't feel much guilt …



Modified Okinawan Shaved Carrot with Canned Tuna

I can't digest eggs. If I eat them I get a rumbling pain in my abdomen that lasts for hours, and bloat something awful, to the point that people assume I'm pregnant and offer me their seats on the train. But I really liked the Okinawan sha…


私は卵がダメだ。食べるとお腹が痛くなり、妊婦さんみたいに腫れ上がってしまう。でも宮古島で食べたにんじんしりしりは美味しかった。もともと人参が大好きだということもあるが。 そこで、卵の代わりに缶ツナを使った応用にんじんしりしりの出番だ。人参の…

Quick and Easy Green Beans and Dried Shrimp a la Chinoise

Maybe you're missing a little green for your table, but there's not much time to cook. Or you've adjusted well enough to working from home to realize that you don't want to spend your free time cooking, but would rather give your children …

超時短 インゲン豆とアミエビの中華モドキ


Baby Bok Choy and Dried Shiitake Mushroom a la Chinoise

Most authentic Chinese restaurants are geared toward large groups. The idea in most of these places is to order a variety of dishes to share. The sort of dishes that give a true picture of the level of a restaurant, that is, the dishes tha…



Glazed Bok Choy and Fake Crab

Many years ago, when I was an exchange student in Taiwan, there was a little Cantonese restaurant near my dormitory. I loved that restaurant, especially the bok choy, tofu, and dried scallop stir-fry. After my return to Japan, I came up wi…


昔々、台湾に留学していた頃、学生寮の近くにあった広東料理屋さんが大好きだった。特に白菜と絹豆腐とホタテのあんかけがよかった。帰国後は自分なりのバージョンを編み出し、カニカマでやると安くカラフルにできるので、それが我が家で定着して たまたま青…

Bead Figurines

I have beaded for about 23 years now. When I first started I looked at pattern diagrams, but over time my hands started to take chage. I only have a vague notion of what I'm going to make when I start. I cut a suitable length of wire, and …


私はビーズ細工を始めて23年になる。当初は型紙を見ていたが、いつしか手が勝手に動くようになった。何を作るのかおぼろげにイメージして、針金を切って、後は手に任せる。それもアクセサリーではなく、立体的な人形だ。 アイルランドの守護聖人、聖パトリッ…

Stir-fry Your Own Bean Sprouts

Stir-fried bean sprouts is a classic Chinese dish. It's surprisingly expensive if you order it in a restaurant, but when you are in the vegetable section of the grocery store you will probably notice that the bean sprouts themselves, along…


中華料理の定番に、豆苗炒めが挙げられる。レストランで頼むと結構高いが、スーパーで野菜を買い漁っていると、もやしと並んで最安価な野菜だから不思議だ。しかも調理が楽な上に、栄養価値が高いので、自分で作ることが得策だ。 主役は豆苗。 本格派ならき…

Zucchini and Olives in Olive Oil Stir-fry

Zucchini is one of the vegetables that I was not a fan of as a child but now love as an adult. Zucchini are not failed cucumbers. They go well with tomatoes, onions, and mushrooms, and of course make a good topping for spaghetti. Not every…


ズッキーニは子供の頃嫌いだったのに大人の今は好きな野菜のひとつだ。ズッキーニはきゅうりの出来損ないではなく、トマト、玉ねぎやキノコとよく合い、パスタに合う。ここではお惣菜として作ったものを紹介する。 まずは玉ねぎを刻む。 オレガノ、タイム、…

Bamboo Shoots Lightly Stewed with Green Peas

If you're looking to add roughage to your diet without too much effort, bamboo shoots are effective. If you use the vacuum packed ones, all you have to do is wash and cut them, as the husks have been dealt with already. It's hard to find a…


手軽に食物繊維を増やすには、筍が便利。レトルトのものを使えば、洗って切るだけ。これほど楽な食材はなかなかない。グリンピースも冷凍品だ。独り暮らしでも家族がいる人でも、調理時間が短い一品は重宝するはず。 調味料はダシ、料理酒、醤油だけで十分。…

Hand-knit Blankets

It takes at least two years to knit a blanket. I only know how to knit square scrubbers, so I knit a ton of those, and join them together. I knit blankets for both of my parents. Colorful ones. Here is a closeup of the stitch. It's pretty …


毛布を一枚編むのに2年ぐらいかかる。たわし編みしか知らないので、たわしを大量に編んで、それをつなげていく。 親に編んであげた。 多色使い。 編み地のアップ。かなり密度が高いので暖かい。 スラブやモヘアも混ぜ込んだ。 漢字も編み込んだ。ご覧の通り…

Carrots Stewed in Lemon Juice

I have always loved carrots. When I was little I ate too many of them, to the point where I turned orange from the carotene. I often make dishes in which carrots are the main star, but one of my favorites is carrots stewed in lemon juice. …


私は人参が大好きで、小さい頃は食べ過ぎて顔が黄色く変色してしまった。そんな人参が主役のおかずを結構な頻度で作るけれど、その中に人参のレモン煮がある。 人参大好き。まずは皮をむこう。 ヘタを切り落とし、輪切りにする。 大きくても大丈夫。お弁当箱…

Broccoli and Cashew Stir-fry

Broccoli and cashew nuts are both popular ingredients in Chinese food, especially Cantonese cuisine. Both are often paired with chicken, which I hate. I get around this problem by putting the broccoli and cashew nuts together without their…


ブロッコリーもカシューナッツも、中華料理の定番材料。私が嫌いな鶏肉とセットで調理されることが多い、という共通点もある。そこで、鶏肉と組み合わせられることが多いブロッコリーとカシューナッツ同士で炒め物を作ることにしました! まずはカシューナッ…


かぶは野菜の優等生だ。白い根だけでなく、茎や葉まで食べられる。特に葉は菊菜に似た味で、柑橘類っぽい風味がちりめん山椒と絶妙に合う。茎や葉は単独で調理してもよし、今回のように白い根と一緒にお浸しにしてもよし。 葉がついたかぶを買おう。 葉を水…

Japanese Turnip stewed with Baby Fish and Mountain Pepper

Japanese turnips are great. Not only the white root, but even the stems and leaves are edible. The leaves taste a lot like kikuna greens with their citrus-y flavor profile, making them a good fit with baby fish and mountain pepper. The gre…

Canard Couture

This stuffed duck has been in my life for as long as I can remember, making her around 30 years old. My dad is probably the one who brought her home. She was more than likely the Sanrio Duckadoo character (what do you mean, you don't remem…



Komatsuna Greens Stewed with Fish Sausage

Komatsuna is cheap, easy to get (at least in Japan it is), and has a pleasantly quenching, succulent crunch to it. It can be paired with thin-fried tofu, baby shrimp, "chikuwa" tubular fish sausage, or any other protein, so it's easy to av…


小松菜は安く、手に入れやすく、しゃっきりとした食感が魅力です。うす揚げ、網エビ、ちくわ、何でも合わせやすいのでマンネリ化しません。今回はちくわと合わせています。 調味料は醤油と料理酒のみです。どちらも、いくらでもこだわることができますが、私…